In order to participate in the Weather4cast academic competitions you must first accept these Terms and Conditions. If you decide not to accept them, please do not confirm acceptance. If you accept these Terms, you declare that you have read and understood these Terms and agreed to them.

  1. Unless otherwise agreed between the participants and the organizers, participants are permitted to use the data sets exclusively for the purpose of the Weather4cast competitions.  Specifically, results need to be presented at a Weather4cast meeting (at NeurIPS 2024 this year), and participants are not allowed to use the competition data sets for commercial purposes or exploitation for profit, or redistribute them.
  2. A short scientific paper with a sufficiently detailed description of the approach must be submitted to or a similar public repository.
  3. Participants must submit working source code and learned parameters to or a similar public repository. Submissions and the code used to generate them must be under an open source license. Participants shall be the owners of all intellectual property rights to work created during the competition.
  4. Submissions will be evaluated by the scientific committee as shown on the organizer’s website. Accepted submissions will be invited to present virtually at the Neurips Competition Track and contribute to a joint article in the NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmark Proceedings.
  5. All participants are welcome to publish their work elsewhere only under embargo so that they are not available before the NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmark Proceedings article, and they cite the Weather4cast competition (see website for details).
  6. Participants declare that the solution submitted during the competition is their authorship and does not violate any rights of third parties. Participants also declare that they assume full and unlimited liability for any claims of third parties directed against the organizer, arising in connection with the participants’ performance or activity related to the competition challenge.
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