Hi Ericlhan,
Apologies for the delay with sending the certificates. I will try to prepare them over the weekend.
Best wishes,
Hi Secilia,
Thank you very much for the nice words. We also enjoyed organizing the event and seeing all the contributions from our participants.
The certificate will be in electronic form and I hope I will be able to send them out by the end of the year.
I will use the e-mail address that has been saved in the Weather4cast Workshop Presentation Confirmation form (submitter address, not the neurIPS account).
Best wishes,
Hi Akpun,
You need to join the zoom link that is on the neurIPS website: https://neurips.cc/virtual/2023/competition/66592
And for each speaker there will be a possibility to share the screen and present the slides.
See you soon!
Hi Harish,
All presentations will be live streamed and we do not plan any pre-recorded content on the NeurIPS workshop page.
Best wishes,
Hi All!
Please note that there has been a small change in the workshop schedule as one of the teams has not confirmed their participation.
Hi Ajitabh,
Please note that the free registration has been assigned to the account registered on email address within live.com
Best wishes,
Hi EnrFlo team,
Your free registration is being processed. I hope you will receive the confirmation email soon.
Best wishes,
I see that you have filled in the form anyway, So all is good.
Best wishes,
Hello SandD,
Unfortunately, we were provided with only a limited number of free registrations by the NeurIPS organizers, and we have already assigned them to other teams that asked for them.
NeurIPS offers a virtual pass registration only that include virtual-only access to the live streams and videos of all the Conference Sessions, Tutorials and Workshops and the ability to interact using Rocket Chat. If you have a student in your group, the cost of the virtual pass is 50 USD.
Best wishes,
Prinscreen or email confirming the the submission is being processed submitted to the last question of the form is sufficient (of course together with the submission itself submitted to the previous question).
Hi Ericlhan,
Pleas, use the Gogole form below to provide the pdf of your paper and submission confirmation:
Hi Secilia,
Thanks for letting us know!
It seems that all submissions starting from this midnight have been affected. Unfortunately, due to a much higher number of submissions than we had expected, we ran out of space.
We have now extended the disk space to 1T, and all submissions that are still on the server should be re-evaluated.
All teams that deleted submissions, please resubmit them.
Best wishes,
Hi Rpablos,
We have just shifted sightly the deadline for the code and paper submission – now it is 29 Nov 23:59 AoE.
Due to the deadlines we received from the NeurIPS conference, this is the last possible date to which we can move it.
Here is the link to the longer post where we explain the steps that need to be done for submissions to be fully considered.
Hi Ajkmr,
We prepared the following google form where our participants can provide the links to the code and short scientific paper: https://forms.gle/wD1VXAiEFD11Gvja7
Here is the link to the longer post where we explain the steps that need to be done for submissions to be fully considered.
Dear Ajkmr,
Thank you for you question.
By abstract, we actually meant “short scientific paper with a sufficiently detailed description of the approach” as it is mentioned in T&Cs.
We have corrected that on the website for more clarity. The length of the paper should be 4-8 pages + references.
Best wishes,