Starting Kit Update

Weather4cast 2023 Forums Weather4cast 2023 Starting Kit Update

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  • #2354

    Dear Competitors,

    We have updated our Starting Kit introducing the following features:

    Helper scripts:
    Considering the number of individual predictions that are required to collect for a leaderboard submission, we now provide the following helper scripts: – to create predictions for the Core and Nowcasting leaderboards – – to create predictions for the Transfer Learning leaderboard

    Those scripts can be used to generate and compile all individual predictions from a single model. Please note that the helper scripts are using config_baseline_w4c23-pred.yaml file to generate a submission file. We refer you to the GitHub to learn how to use the helper scripts.

    8-hours vs 4-hours predictions:
    The Nowcasting and Transfer Learning leaderboards accept submissions for 4 hours into the future, and the Core Leaderborad accepts submissions 8 hours into the future. You can now use our Starting Kit code to train the UNET-3D baseline model both for 4-hours and 8-hours leaderboards. In order to do so, just simply set up the len_seq_predict parameter in config_baseline_w4c23.yaml file to:
    len_seq_predict: 16 – for 4 hours prediction
    len_seq_predict: 32 – for 8 hours prediction

    In case you would like to use our helper scripts to generate the submission, please remember to set up correctly len_seq_predict parameter also in the config_baseline_w4c23-pred.yaml file.

    Mapping the radar values lower than 0.2 to zero:
    This is configured by the following mapping in the config_baseline_w4c23.yaml:
    map: [[lessthan0.2, 0], [-8888000.0, 0], [-9999000.0, 0], [inf, 0], [nan, 0]]

    If you would like to test our new features, please download the latest version of the Kit from our GitHub repository!

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