Final submission requirements

Weather4cast 2023 Forums Weather4cast 2023 Final submission requirements

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  • #2634


    It is mentioned on web-site that ‘Abstracts need to be on’. Could you please help me understand this? I can see whole paper submission option on, but no abstract only submission. Can I put abstract on github itself along with the code and parameters?


    Dear Ajkmr,

    Thank you for you question.

    By abstract, we actually meant “short scientific paper with a sufficiently detailed description of the approach” as it is mentioned in T&Cs.

    We have corrected that on the website for more clarity. The length of the paper should be 4-8 pages + references.

    Best wishes,


    Thanks a lot, Aleksandra!

    One more question, how do we send you link for github repo?

    • This reply was modified 11 months ago by ajkmr.


    Can the short-scientific paper to be submitted by Nov 26th be a draft? It would be nice to spend the last days with the open leaderboard actually working on the experiments and then focus on the final version of the paper.

    Thank you


    Hi Ajkmr,

    We prepared the following google form where our participants can provide the links to the code and short scientific paper:

    Here is the link to the longer post where we explain the steps that need to be done for submissions to be fully considered.


    Hi Rpablos,

    We have just shifted sightly the deadline for the code and paper submission – now it is 29 Nov 23:59 AoE.

    Due to the deadlines we received from the NeurIPS conference, this is the last possible date to which we can move it.

    Here is the link to the longer post where we explain the steps that need to be done for submissions to be fully considered.


    Hi Aleksandra,

    Thank you for the quick reply and proposed change.



    Thanks Aleksandra!

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