Weather4cast 2024
Multi-task Challenges for Rain Movie Prediction on the Road to Hi-Res Foundation Models

  • Predict Super-Resolution Rain Movies
  • Prove Emerging Model Capabilities on different Downstream Tasks
  • Exploit Data Fusion to model Ground Radar and multi-band Satellite Images

Welcome to Weather4cast 2024!

The Weather4cast competition presented at NeurIPS 2024 focuses on topics of high impact and practical value for our society – predicting future weather and changes of our environment. Unusual weather is increasing all over the world, reflecting ongoing climate change, and affecting communities in agriculture, transport, public health and safety, etc. Can you predict future rain patterns with modern machine learning algorithms? Apply spatio-temporal modelling to complex dynamic systems! Get access to unique large-scale data and demonstrate temporal and spatial transfer learning under strong distributional shifts! We provide a super-resolution challenge of high relevance to forecasting unusual local events, where you need to predict future weather as measured by ground-based hi-res rain radar weather stations. Exploit data fusion of high-resolution rain radar maps movies combined, large-scale multi-band satellite images, and static information like topology! Winning models will advance key areas of methods research in machine learning, of relevance beyond the application domain. The authors of competitive submissions will be invited to present at the NeurIPS Competition Track (virtual) and contribute to a joint article in the NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmark Proceedings.
This year, on the road to flexible foundation models, we move from basic precipitation prediction to testing generalization performance and emergent capabilities of probabilistic models on a set of downstream tasks, such as cumulative rainfall and unusual event prediction.
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Competition timeline:

18 June  – Dataset release  &  Start of competition announcement

14 July – STAGE1 Cumulative rainfall Test Set release & Leaderboard open.

5 October – STAGE2 Extreme Percipitaion Events Test Set release & Leaderboard open.

24 November  (midnight AoE) – Test dataset submission deadline.

27 November (midnight AoE) – Deadline for abstract and code submissions (short scientific papers (4-8 pages + references) need to be on and code & parameters on by then!)

30 November – Acceptance notification

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